North Laurel Middle School
2023-2024 Parent Pickup and Drop Off
Morning Dropoff
Use the parent drop off loop and drop your student off at the cafeteria. Students can be dropped off at 7:30 a.m. Do not drop students off at the gym, the north side parking lot, or in front of the building.
Do not enter the front parking lot after 7:30 a.m. Buses will be entering and exiting the parking lot.
These measures are for student and school safety.
Afternoon Pickup
Do not enter the front parking lot after 2:30 p.m. Buses will be entering and lining up.
Only use the parent pickup loop.
The front parking lot will be closed after the buses leave.
Do not pick up students at the gym or in the north parking lot.
These measures are for student and school safety.
*****PLEASE, talk to your child about their responsibility to watch for their name/number on the google form within their last class of the day.
*****Their promptness in getting to your vehicle is related to how fast the line moves. *****